








 1. 安徽省重点研发项目《江淮果岭“三桃一梨”产品高值加工与品质保持共性关键技术研究与产业化》(2023n06020004), 执行期:2023-2025

 2.  2023年安徽省中医药科技攻关项目《霍山石斛道地性成因研究与品质提升模式构建》子课题(202303a0702005),执行期:2023-2027


 4. 安徽省科技重大专项:《霍山石斛品质提升关键技术集成示范与产业化研究》(201903a07020017),执行期:2019-2022

 5. 央财林业科技推广项目《特色木本药材绿萼梅与元胡和地黄复合经营技术推广示范》,执行期:2021-2023

 6. 安徽省特支计划(第6批)项目,执行期:2020-2022

 7. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:《协同生物转化及其对中药药效物质基础积累的影响-以霍山石斛为例》,执行期: 2016-2019

 8. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:《基于濒危药用植物霍山石斛资源保护和利用的药材品质的影响因素研究》,执行期: 2013-2016

 9. 安徽省级高校自然科学研究重点项目:《霍山石斛枫斗炮制机制及其品质控制方法研究,执行期: 2016.1-2018.12

 10. 安徽省自然科学基金面上项目:《协同生物转化对中药霍山石斛品质的影响研究,执行期: 2016.1-2018.12

 11. 中国博士后基金特别资助(第9批):《基于代谢调控的霍山石斛道地性成因研究(2016T90559)》,执行期:2016.7-2018.6

 12. 中国博士后基金面上项目(55批):《霍山石斛药效物质基础积累的影响因素研究》,执行期:2014.4~2016.3

 13. 安徽省级高校自然科学研究重点项目:《黄酒酸败的关键因素及质量控制研究》,执行期:2012.1-2014.12

 14. 六安市叶集区艾鑫增源农业发展有限责任公司产学研合作项目:《复方艾叶敷贴片生产工艺研究》,执行期:2021-2024

 15. 安徽兰葹生物科技有限公司产学研合作项目《兰葹牌霍山石斛口服液生产工艺研究》,执行期:2017.10-2018.6

 16. 山东博华生物科技有限责任公司产学研合作项目:《北方石斛种植模式研究》,执行期:2016-2018

 17. 安徽省斛生记生物有限公司《石斛速溶粉加工工艺研究》,执行期:2022.1-2022.12

 18. 安徽安立肽生物科技有限公司《一款石斛基降尿酸功效口服液研究》,执行期:2023.1-2.23.8

 19. 安徽省《制药工程实验室教学示范中心》项目,执行期:2015-2018

 20. 安徽省《制药工程本科教学团队》项目,执行期:2022-2024



[1] Jiao Li, Chao-Feng Qin, Nai-Dong Chen(通讯). Evaluation of antioxidant, antidiabetic and antiobesity potential of phenylpropanoids (PPs): Structure-activity relationship and insight into action mechanisms against dual digestive enzymes by comprehensive technologies[J]. Bioorganic Chemistry 146 (2024) 107290. TOP期刊;IF5.3

 [2] Chao-Feng Qin, Nai-Dong Chen(通讯), Jiao Li.Detailed investigation on the polyphenols from four Dendrobium species against α-glucosidase: An integrated in vitro and in silico approach[J]. Arabian Journal of Chemistry 17 (2024) 105627. 中科院2IF6.0

 [3] Dao-Yuan Li, Run Wang, Meng You, Nai-Dong Chen(通讯) , Sheng Li, Nai-Fu Chen. The antimicrobial effect and mechanism of the Artemisia argyi essential oil against bacteria and fungus [J]. Brazilian Journal of Microbiology (2024) 55:727–735. 中科院4IF2.2

 [4] Hao, Jing-Wen,Nai‐Dong Chen(通讯). Differentiation of Polygonatum cyrtonema Hua from different geographical origins by near-infrared spectroscopy with chemometricsl[J]. Journal of AOAC International, 2024. 中科院4IF1.913

[5] Fu-Cheng Zhu, Zi-xu Yan, Jing-Li Dai, Guo-Si Li, Qi-Lin Xu, Yun-Fen Ma, Jing-Bo Ma, Nai-Dong Chen. Improvement in organic solvent resistance of keratinase BLk by directed evolution[J]. Journal of Biotechnology 382 (2024) 37–43.中科院2IF4.1

 [6] Yong-Jun Zang, Yun-Fen Ma, Qi-Lin Xu, Guo-Si Li, Nai-Dong Chen, Xing Li, Fu-Cheng Zhu(通讯). TiCl4-mediated deoxygenative reduction of aromatic ketones to alkylarenes with ammonia borane[J]. Org. Biomol. Chem., 2024, 22, 932-939. 中科院3IF3.2

 [7] Sheng Li, Nai-Dong Chen, Ya-Qin Bu, et al. Network pharmacology analysis of the renal protective effects of the bracken (Pteridium aquilinumusing experimental data obtained in an avian (Quail) hyperuricemia model[J]. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 2024 (1-17).中科院4IF1.1

 [8] Zheng ShaoJun, Jie Qiong, Chen NaiDong,et al. Ticagrelor Steady-State Trough Concentration in Chinese Patients Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention[J]. European Journal of Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics, 2024, 49(1):33-42.中科院4IF1.9

 [9] Zheng Shaojun, Xu Yifan, Chen Naidong,et al. Predictors for non-attainment of meropenem target concentrations when treating infections in critically ill patients[J]. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 2024, 62(1):1-7.中科院4IF0.8

[10] Wei-Han Yang, Jing-Wen Hao, Nai-Dong Chen(通讯), Jiao Li. Development of a joint derivatization protocol for the unequivocal identification of the monosaccharide composition in four Dendrobium polysaccharides and free monosaccharide by GC-MS[J].Biomedical Chromatography, 2023.中科院4IF1.8

 [11] Hao, Jing-Wen,Nai‐Dong Chen(通讯)Liu, Xiao-Quanet al.Detection of the adulteration of Dendrobium huoshanense with Dendrobium henanense by UV-vis-shortwave near-infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy combined with chemometrics [J]. Journal of AOAC International, 2023. 中科院4IF1.913

 [12] Xiao-Quan Liu, Chao-Feng Qin, Nai‐Dong Chen(通讯), et al. Simultaneous determination of phenols in the four main original plants of the famous traditional Chinese medicine Shihu by pressurized capillary electrochromatography[J]. RSC Advances, 2023. (中科院3IF3.9)

 [13] Guo-Si Li, Fu-Cheng Zhu, Fang-Li Gu, Xin-Jian Yin,Qi-Lin Xu, Meng-Hua Ma, Li Zhu, Bao-Wei Lu, Nai-Dong Chen(通讯). Enzymatic Preparation of L-Malate in a Reaction System with Product Separation and Enzyme Recycling [J].Catalysts, 2022.(中科院3IF4.501)

[14] An-Ling Zhu, Jing-Wen Hao, Lei Liu, Qi Wang, Nai-Dong Chen(通讯),  Guang-Lin Wang. Simultaneous Quantification of 11 Phenolic Compounds and Consistency Evaluation in Four Dendrobium Species Used as Ingredients of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Shihu[J]. Frontiiers in Nutrition,  2021. TOP期刊; IF:6.576

 [15] Jing-Wen Hao, Xiao-Quan Liu, Nai-dong Chen(通讯), et al. Simultaneous analysis of 20 free amino acids by a single marker combined with an HPLC fingerprint evaluation of Dendrobium huoshanense[J].Journal of Food Science,2021. (中科院2IF3.167)

[16] Jing-Wen Hao, An-Ling Zhu, Nai-Dong Chen (通讯), et al. Simultaneous determination of 16 important biologically active phytohormones in Dendrobium huoshanese by PCE Electrochromatography[J]. Journal of Chromatography B, 2021. (中科院3IF3.205)

[17] Jing-Wen Hao, Xiao-Quan Liu, Nai-Dong Chen(通讯), et al. Solid-phase extraction followed by direct TOF-MS-MS and HPLC analysis of ptaquiloside in Pteridium aquilinum from different places of China [J]. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 2021. (中科院2IF4.556)

[18] Jing-Wen Hao, An-Ling Zhu, Nai-Dong Chen(通讯), et al. Rapid detection of adulteration in Dendrobium huoshanense with Dendrobium henanense by ATR-FTIR combined with multivariate methods[J]. Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 2021.(中科院4; IF:1.696)  

[19] Jing-Wen Hao, Yue Chen, Nai-Dong Chen(通讯), et al. Assessment of ATR-NIR and ATR-MIR spectroscopy as an analytical tool for the quantification of the total polyphenols in Dendrobium huoshanense[J]. Phytochemical Analysis, 2020.  (中科院2IF: 3.373)

[20] Jing-Wen Hao, Yue Chen, Nai-Dong Chen (通讯), et al. Rapid detection of adulteration in Dendrobium huoshanense using NIR spectroscopy coupled with chemometric methods[J]. Journal of AOAC International2020. 中科院4IF1.913

[21] Nai-Dong Chen. Combined application of Fourier-transform Infrared, the Discrimination of the flower tea of Dendrobium huoshanense, Dendrobium officinale by a multi-step FTIR method[J]. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2020.中科院4IF: 0.452

[22] Nai-Dong Chen, Yue Chen, Li Zhang, et al. Combined application of Fourier-transform Infrared, Second Derivative Infrared, and Two-dimensional Correlation Infrared Spectroscopy to monitor the quality of Dendrobium huoshanense during processing[J]. Current Topics in Nutraceutical Research, 2020. 中科院4IF: 0.416

[23] Nai-Dong Chen, Yue Chen, Zhang, Li, et al. Principal component analysis-based strategy to identify the presence of tissue-cultured and wild-type Dendrobium officinale and Dendrobium moniliforme in a commercial preparation[J]. Current Topics in Nutraceutical Research, 2019.    IF: 中科院40.416

[24] Jing-Wen Hao, Nai‐Dong Chen(通讯), Xu-Cheng Fu, et al. Predicting the contents of  polysaccharides and its monosugars in Dendrobium huoshanense by partial least squares regression model using attenuated total reflectance fourier transform infrared spectroscopy[J]. Spectroscopy Letters, 2019. 中科院4IF: 1.179

[25] Jing-Wen Hao, Nai-Dong Chen (通讯), Cun-Wu Chen,et al. Rapid quantification of polysaccharide and the main monosaccharides in Dendrobium huoshanense by near-infrared attenuated total reflectance spectroscopy[J]. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 2018. 中科院3IF:3.935

[26] Hua-Yang Si, Nai-Fu Chen, Nai-Dong Chen (通讯), et al. Structural characterisation of a water-soluble polysaccharide from tissue-cultured Dendrobium huoshanense C.Z. Tang et S.J.Cheng[J]. Natural Product Research, 2018. 中科院4IF:2.861


 [1] 2024年授权发明专利《一种快速预测蕨菜中总黄酮含量的方法》,R1.

 [2] 2023年授权发明专利《一种蕨菜中原蕨苷的分离纯化制备方法》,R1

 [3] 2022年授权发明专利《一种蕨菜中原蕨苷含量的检测方法》,R1

 [4] 2021年授权发明专利《一种利用微生物转化山奈酚生产紫云英苷的方法》,R1

[5] 2021年授权发明专利《一种白芨葡甘聚糖双水相提取方法》,R5

[6] 2021年授权发明专利《霍山石斛提取物在调控血糖方面的应用》,R4

 [7] 2018年授权发明专利《一种鉴别三种药用石斛的色谱指纹图谱方法》,R4

 [8] 2018年授权发明专利《一种利用二倍体细胞与花粉细胞融合育种 法培育三倍体霍山石斛的方法》,R5

 [9] 2011年授权发明专利《一种利用二倍体细胞与花粉细胞融合育种 法培育三倍体霍山石斛的方法》,R4

 [10] 2021年授权实用新型专利《一种水苏糖的生产装置》,R6

 [11] 2017年授权实用新型专利《一种颗粒状茶叶干燥成型一体装置》,R3


 [1] 安徽地方标准《霍山石斛枫斗质量检测技术规程》(DB34/T 2938-2017),R1

 [2] 安徽地方标准《霍山铁皮石斛枫斗质量检测技术规程》(DB34/T 2937-2017),R1

 [3] 安徽地方标准《霍山石斛基原植物鉴定技术规程》(DB34/T3153-2018),R8

 [4] 安徽地方标准《铁皮石斛基原植物鉴定技术规程》(DB34/T3152-2018),R8

 [5] 安徽地方标准《霍山石斛鲜条加工技术规程》(DB34/T2941-2017),R8

 [6] 安徽地方标准《霍山石斛原种保护技术规程》(DB34/T2939-2017),R7

 [7] 安徽地方标准《霍山铁皮石斛枫斗加工技术规程》(DB34/T2940-2017),R7

 [8] 安徽地方标准《霍山石斛花干制技术规程》(DB34/T2936-2017),R8

 [9] 安徽地方标准《霍山石斛分子鉴定技术规程》(DB34/T2944-2017),R8

 [10] 安徽地方标准《霍山石斛枫斗加工技术规程》(DB34/T2426-2015),R14

 [11] 安徽地方标准《霍山石斛种子生产技术规程》(DB34/T2367-2015),R8

 [12] 国家林业行业标准《林下种植白及技术规程》(LY/T 3093-2019),R7

 [13] 国家林业行业标准《太子参培育技术规程》(LY/T 3093-2019),R7

[14] 国家林业行业标准《霍山石斛种苗繁育技术规程》(LY/T2449-2015),R7

[15] 国家林业行业标准《霍山石斛栽培技术规程》(LY/T2448-2015),R8


 [1] 中药新品种《霍山石斛3号》(皖品鉴登字第1406003),R6

 [2] 中药新品种《霍山石斛4号》(皖品鉴登字第1406004),R7


 [1] 安徽省成果鉴定《霍山石斛品质提升关键技术集成示范与产业化研究》(2023F021J002634),R1

 [2] 安徽省成果鉴定《霍山石斛枫斗炮制工艺条件及炮制过程中品质控 制方法研究》(2019F051Y000608),R1

 [3] 安徽省成果鉴定《霍山石 斛,铁皮石斛与河南石斛花茶多级红外光谱快速鉴定研究》(2021F021J002953),R1











